Observing children as they grow is one of life’s great joys. Supporting children as they grow is our most important responsibility. As children grow, they acquire skills in five general domains, or areas, of development: Approaches to Learning Social & Emotional Development Physical Development Language Development Cognitive Development (which includes math, science, and creative arts) […]
On September 16, we celebrate National Play-Doh Day. To praise the clay that we love to play with, here are five fun things to do. Though combining different kinds of Play-Doh can sometimes be trouble, it can also be a teaching opportunity to show your kiddo which colors combine to make new colors. Download our […]
By Nicole Spain, Registered Dietitian Take your family on a mini vacation without leaving your hometown! You can explore and learn about the world through literature and foods right from the comfort of your own kitchen. We incorporate flavors from around the world in many of our Grow Fit recipes. (In New Mexico, our schools […]
By Stephanie Seneker Going back to school after the summer is always exciting as kids prepare for their new classroom and meeting new friends. However, keeping that excitement and energy alive a couple months into the school year can be difficult. It’s important to keep up that motivation throughout the year, so we came up […]
Even we like to have a little more fun in the summer, but there are definitely some cool ways for your family to incorporate a little education into your summertime experiences. Of course you want your children to play and enjoy themselves in the summer. But even when they’re not in school, they can still […]
Earth Day is April 22. This day was created to spread awareness, information, and support of environmental protection across the world. It is the perfect chance for you to talk about recycling, saving water and energy, protecting plants and animals, and reducing pollution. It is important to teach our children how to care for the […]
Your child’s incredible mind has been growing and changing since the moment she was born. He is on a path to developing complex thoughts. She is eager to learn, question, and make sense of the world around her. He is developing cognitively. Children’s cognitive skills are improved when they form questions and find solutions by […]
Summer is the perfect time to get a little messy and learn about science concepts with your children. Don’t worry! You don’t need to have all the answers or know all the technical terms. Science is all around you. Science is about the methods you use as you explore the world with your children. There […]
You don’t need to have a degree in early childhood education or a classroom filled with materials to teach your child important concepts in math. The best way for children to learn practical math concepts is to guide them in hands-on activities and games. And you can do this by using items already in your […]
What spicy words have you used today? At Tutor Time preschoolers are learning fun and powerful new ways to express themselves with surprisingly sophisticated vocabulary. Words like enormous, creeping and fierce are celebrated as children first discover, then try out newly acquired expressions. “Children need to have a rich and robust oral language vocabulary in […]
Can you think of one single activity that you can do with your toddler, preschooler, or school-age child that includes experiences in math, science, and reading, and builds confidence all at the same time? You don’t need to be an expert in child care education to implement this amazing learning experience—all you need is a […]
La Petite Academy will be celebrating literacy all month long! So, be sure to ask your teacher and school director about our book kits featuring great children’s books with wonderful learning activities to go with each! Through our book kit program, you can borrow a new book each month to take home and read with […]