We’re committed to assessment-based curriculum. Why is this so important? Since curriculum is what happens in the classroom every day, when it’s customized to the developmental needs of the specific children in that class, it is more effective. Assessment-based curriculum means children are exposed to, and given practice in, those skills that they are ready […]
Movement is not only an essential tool for encouraging healthy habits in children, but it’s a really great way to build a child’s sense of self and to provide educational opportunities. We all know that the brain is the most important organ for cognition and learning. As parents and teachers, it’s our job to build, […]
What is School Readiness? Stated in simple terms, school readiness means that a child possesses the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for high achievement in school and later learning in life. It is a measure of how well prepared—cognitively, socially, emotionally—a child is to succeed in school. There is consensus, based upon a wealth of […]
Like many parents of preschool-aged children, you’re probably wondering, What comes next? After all, there’s still a lot of growing and learning to do before entering elementary school. Let’s take a minute to explore some options, with these school readiness program offerings. Pre-Kindergarten The Pre-K program offers substantial learning experiences in literacy and mathematics. […]
Learning math begins in infancy. It’s true. It all starts with seeing differences in objects and people. For example, when an infant begins to differentiate between Mommy’s face and a teacher’s face, or between the stuffed brown dog and the yellow cat, that’s the start of math learning. As toddlers, children begin to understand the […]
What’s the single most important thing you can do to help your child prepare for reading and learning? Would you believe it only takes 15 minutes a day? Yes, that’s it. The answer: Read to your child. Does just 15 minutes a day make a difference? You bet it does. Spending 15 minutes a day […]
Moving up to a new classroom is an exciting time filled with fun and opportunity. We know transitions can sometimes be a little scary for both children and parents. That’s why our teachers and school staff are dedicated to supporting families every step of the way. Every child is different; for some, moving to a […]
By Tésa Nicolanti As a tech blogger and a mom, I like to stay on top of the best tech gifts for kids. Over the years, we’ve reviewed a number of fantastic tech toys and with the holiday shopping season approaching, I’m excited to work with The Learning Care Group to share with you my […]
“What did you learn at school today?” It’s a question you’ve likely asked many times, only to find the answer is far less detailed than you’d like. We have a solution and it’s right in front of you: The Family Board! Look for it inside or near your child’s classroom, with lesson plans and details […]
“My son knows his ABCs. Look how smart he is!” “Show Grandma how you can count to ten, honey!” Does this sound like you or anyone you know who is a parent of a young child? Chances are, the answer is “yes.” We are so proud to see that our children are learning; that they […]
Little friends Noah and Evan were having a playdate, but it wasn’t going well. They both NEEDED Noah’s nice, new dump truck. Noah’s Dad heard screams of “Mine! Mine!” and went to smooth things out. “Come on guys, you need to share the truck. Let’s see you sharing nicely.” “It’s mine!” “I wanna use it!” […]
As early childhood educators, it’s our goal to provide children with skills for success in school and beyond, and it all starts with learning literacy at an early age. When making the transition from early childhood to kindergarten, children who are exposed to literacy education early are more engaged and ultimately more prepared for lifelong […]