In our Before- and After-School Clubhouse, school-age students will learn character development that will help them with personal growth and lifelong success through the five unique clubs of our My Best Self! program. Strategies, routines, and support help students build their learning skills, independence, sense of responsibility, and control over their own lives. Before school, […]
We’re committed to assessment-based curriculum. Why is this so important? Since curriculum is what happens in the classroom every day, when it’s customized to the developmental needs of the specific children in that class, it is more effective. Assessment-based curriculum means children are exposed to, and given practice in, those skills that they are ready […]
Movement is not only an essential tool for encouraging healthy habits in children, but it’s a really great way to build a child’s sense of self and to provide educational opportunities. We all know that the brain is the most important organ for cognition and learning. As parents and teachers, it’s our job to build, […]
You want your child to be safe and sound as you travel with him in your vehicle each day. What you may not know is that every year thousands of children are injured or killed in car crashes. Many of these deaths and injuries could have been avoided if children were properly secured in their […]
What is School Readiness? Stated in simple terms, school readiness means that a child possesses the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for high achievement in school and later learning in life. It is a measure of how well prepared—cognitively, socially, emotionally—a child is to succeed in school. There is consensus, based upon a wealth of […]
Do children today use their imaginations as much as we did when we were kids? Do you see your children spinning incredible tales and stories in their fantasy play like we used to when we played “cops and robbers” or “house”? Or does your child’s fantasy play seem to consist only of repetitive movements like karate […]
What is primary caregiving? It’s a system that ensures our classrooms meet each child’s unique needs, that each child is properly supervised, and that each child’s developmental needs and abilities are communicated accurately to families. Most importantly, a primary caregiver system also leads to greater levels of attachment, which is critical to a child’s growth […]
From the moment your child is born they are developing a sense of self and the world around them. They begin to learn to trust you. As you build a bond with them they feel secure in their world. This sets the stage for their entire developmental future. You help them develop socially and emotionally. Social […]
Guiding and disciplining young children is a complex business that takes skill and focused effort – a lot to ask of you before, during or after a hard day’s work. It’s even more complicated when you add multiple siblings of different ages who all need to be handled differently – all at the same time! […]
In some parts of the country we find ourselves smack in the middle of the drudgery of winter. With a decrease in temperature and an increase in hours spent inside, it is sometimes difficult to find ways to maintain contact with the outside world. However, most experts agree that giving children regular contact with all […]
The new year is a perfect time to reflect on all of our past accomplishments, as well as identify new ways to make positive changes for the future. Many adults make new year’s resolutions, but it’s also important for children to reflect on the milestones they met in 2014 and identify their own goals for 2015. […]
Moving up to a new classroom is an exciting time filled with fun and opportunity. We know transitions can sometimes be a little scary for both children and parents. That’s why our teachers and school staff are dedicated to supporting families every step of the way. Every child is different; for some, moving to a […]